The failure of Obamacare has brought forth the Democrats’ “Medicare 4 All” concepts, requiring even more government intervention. The progressive Democrats are pushing several forms of Medicare For All, but none of them address the problems of affordability and quality that we have in the system.
We wanted to share with you some more facts about the democrats’ plan for Medicare For All.
- What does Medicare for All mean?
- Generally, it means an end to the dominance of private health insurance in the United States, in favor of either a government-run “single-payer” system, such as Canada’s, or a government-provided alternative to private insurance plans that Americans could buy into, an idea known as the “public option.”
- Would Medicare for All change everybody’s health care?
- It could, but it depends on the plan. The most expansive visions of Medicare for All, like those of Senator Bernie Sanders and Pramila Jayapal of Washington, , would establish universal benefits through a government-run program and outlaw most forms of private insurance, including employer-provided coverage This could mean little, if any, out-of-pocket cost to patients, but also less choice for people who want to purchase specific types of benefits and for employers who use them to attract workers.
- How much would Medicare for all Cost?
- A study from the libertarian Mercatus Center said Sanders’ 2017 single-payer bill would raise federal spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years.
- Would Medicare for All cut health-care costs?
- Medicare for All may allow the government to limit costs by setting prices and eliminate the administrative burden of private health insurance.
To some degree, this may sound good, but we need to make Medicare more affordable. In order to make our Medicare program available to ALL Americans, we must make it more affordable so that every American can take advantage of it without sending our country into bankruptcy.
Medicare Advantage plans (MA) are comprehensive health insurance programs that replace traditional Medicare. We need a Senate Bill directing HHS, along with doctors, hospitals, health plan experts and Medicare Advantage health plans to recommend to Congress a Medicare plan For All that provides these very same benefits for all Americans.
We believe that the Medicare Advantage is the best platform upon which to build “Medicare For All” that works for everybody. The Medicare Advantage Program has broad bipartisan approval because it is so popular with the broad spectrum of the senior voting block, effectively delivers economic benefits to the taxpayers and is a program that works for everybody.
For more information on the Medicare-Advantage-For-All plan and the movement, visit our Medicare Advantage For All plan page, call us at 1-888-683-3719 or email us at:
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