People want to be healthy. As Americans, we don’t accept the fact that the government can take care of our health. WE can take care our own health. But right now, our health care system is failing us, so many Americans are dying unnecessarily. We are being cheated as a nation. We currently spend more than other nations for our healthcare, and we get less back for it. We demand more!
Our government contributed to this failing healthcare system. No one has been able to create a working health insurance program because both Democrats and Republicans are oblivious to that fact that Americans are dying.
To change the health care system, we need at least 218 votes in the House of Representatives and 60 votes in the Senate. Right now, Medicare Advantage has 293 supporters of the current members of the House of Representatives and 60 Senators. These leaders are on record supporting Medicare Advantage! We believe Medicare Advantage is the obvious bipartisan solution to our problems!
Unfortunately, we can’t get this program implemented because the political parties are polarized, and they can’t agree on anything! The only way for President Trump to start saving lives is to change leadership.
We need a Republican majority in the House of Representatives! The Democrat Bills before Congress on “Medicare for All” does not have Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s support and they are going NOWHERE! The 10-year cost estimate for Senator Bernie Sanders’ program is $32.6 Trillion.
Trump, speaking at his Kansas Rally in 2018, claimed that if Congress were to enact their “Medicare for All” program today; it would “… eviscerate our beautiful Medicare Advantage Program…”.
If they pass a universal “Medicare for All” plan, this would be the beginning of the end of the Medicare program as we know it. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that most Americans oppose “Medicare for All” by the wide margin of 60 to 32, if it were to threaten the current Medicare program.
If you want to change the health care system, you are going to have to fight for a real solution. We can’t keep doing the same things we have been doing. Americans must take more responsibility for their own health and expose political lies. In 2020, we must vote for Republicans, including Donald Trump, who will truly Make America Healthy Again. It is that simple!
We cannot substantially improve the health of the American people until we establish a health insurance system that really works! Medicare Advantage is a health insurance system that works. We must modernize our Medicare programs by adopting a Trump Medicare Advantage Program! A Trump plan can lower the cost of health care in the United States. But, he can’t do it alone. And, he can not do it without your support.
For more information on the Medicare-Advantage-For-All plan and the movement, visit our Trump Medicare Advantage for All plan page, call us at 1-888-683-3719 or contact our email us at:
To support and join this movement, you can download our Membership Application and complete it with your contact information and send it to us with your financial support or just complete the Pay Pal Credit card authorization on the About and Become A Supporter Pages on our web site.
Visit our Medicare Advantage for All site to learn more! We re-publish articles and research, notices and alerts addressing the efficacy of Medicare-Advantage-For-All and effectively communicating this information to our primary audiences, which include members of Congress, key congressional staff members, the White House, including policymakers in the executive branch, academics, and D.C. think-tanks, policy wonks, the media and our loyal members.