In America, right now, we need to convince the medical community that they must change their practice patterns to support the prevention of illness and the swift correction of conditions that can be reversed. We need a healthcare CZAR and we would choose Alex Azar, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The Medicare for All plan legislation proposed by the Democrats in the House and in the Senate, rely heavily of the “Secretary” to basically implement their ideas for the Medicare for All Plans. Our desire is likewise to let the Secretary do the advance work to define and implement the Trump Medicare Advantage for All plan.
Azar has done an excellent job working with health care providers and drug companies to disclose their charges and lower the cost of prescription drugs. He is in the process of writing the regulations for hospitals and medical providers to comply with the executive order of transparency. His actions are making health care more accessible and affordable for all Americans.
We have a crisis in American health care. We have an opioid crisis that is causing unnecessary death and destruction in our society. Our health care system is out of control and threatening the health and well-being of our people and the viability and competitiveness of our economy. The costs involved with the treatment of addiction, our health care, and the national debt level all threaten to sink our nation-state.
We need to pass a bill authorizing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to act on our behalf, in accordance with the job description and the mission of the Department. We need to give this Department the responsibility to come up with a proposal for Congress that addresses the real needs of the American people and not the egos of personal partisan politicians or the economic interests of our providers, who generally oppose everything that portends to lower their reimbursements.
The Fifth Edition of the True American dated May 2019 includes the first page of a Draft Bill proposed by “WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES” to the Senate leadership. The BILL authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to consult with the all of the Departments, Agencies and entities of the federal government and all of the immediately applicable interests of our private health care economic sector in order to devise a plan to extend Medicare Advantage to All Americans. The Secretary is required to recommend the rules and the necessary criteria for a firm and reasonable proposal and time frame for extending the Medicare Advantage to All Americans in an affordable, accessible, universal and feasible fashion. See the Fifth Edition of the True American for more information.
Secretary Azar recently said, “We can also enhance value through payments in Medicare Advantage, where we want to open up more opportunities for MA Plans …. including creative value-based design arrangements, moving care to the home and the community, and new ways for MA Plans to improve patient’s health over the long term,” He gets it! We must give him the power to design that plan, not just implement it. The economic viability of our nation and the general welfare of our people depend upon this effort.
We have the skill and the expertise to simultaneously reduce the cost of our health care and our Health Care GDP to a competitive world market level, secure our exceptional and unique health care financing system and improve the health, productivity and insurability of the American people with a properly designed, expertly administered and adequately regulated Trump Medicare Advantage for All program.
A Trump-Medicare-Advantage-For-All will be instrumental in making this happen.
For more information on the Medicare-Advantage-For-All plan and the movement, visit our Trump Medicare Advantage for All plan page, call us at 1-888-683-3719 or contact our email us at:
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Visit our Medicare Advantage for All site to learn more! We re-publish articles and research, notices and alerts addressing the efficacy of Medicare-Advantage-For-All and effectively communicating this information to our primary audiences, which include members of Congress, key congressional staff members, the White House, including policymakers in the executive branch, academics, and D.C. think-tanks, policy wonks, the media and our loyal members.